Propex Plumbing Fittings Sale

#ad Lot Of Ten 10 Uponor ProPex Fittings. 5 Reducing Tees amp; 5 Elbows,
#ad Lot Of Eight 8 Uponor ProPex Fittings 4 Reducing Tees amp; 4 Elbow,
#ad 1 1 2” Plastic Propex Expansion Lot Of 22 Fittings Assorted Tees And 90 Elbows,
#ad propex fittings 3 4 Inch 4x8 Uponor,
#ad PROPEX PIPE AND TUBING Fittings Lot 5 8quot; 3 4quot; .NEW. No Box.,
#ad 1 2 quot; ProPEX fitting assembly,
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