Pexto Shear Manual Sale

#ad Pexto Sheet Metal Foot Shear w Backgage Model 137 K 16 Gauge,
#ad Vtg Antique Pexto No. 253 Bench Metal Shear Hand Operated Peck Stow amp; Wilcox Co,
#ad EUC PEXTO FOOT SHEAR 35quot; 12240800007,
#ad 52” x 16 Ga Pexto Pneumatic Shear Model 0252 6 S N M 245 9,
#ad big pexto hand shear no 21,
#ad Vintage Pexto No. 44 Manual Shear 4 1 2quot; 30 3 4quot; Length,
#ad Pexto U Series Power Shear Operations amp; Parts Manual,
#ad 10#x27; X 10 GA. PEXTO MODEL #10U10C MECHANICAL SHEAR: STOCK #21852,
#ad EUC PEXTO 196 A FOOT SHEAR 18 GA 03240180001,
#ad Peck Stow and Wilcox Pexto 52quot; x 16 Gauge Power Shear G52 A,
#ad PEXTO 2 A Sheet Metal Shears w Crimper Heavy Duty 13” Long,
#ad Vintage Pexto No. 44 Manual Shear 4 1 2quot; 30 3 4quot; Length,
#ad Pexto Model 679 Peck Stow Shear Punch Combo Sheet Metal Fabrication,
#ad EUC PEXTO 10UH25 1971 PEXTO 10UH25 SHEAR 1 4quot; X 10#x27; 03250480001,
#ad Pexto 4#x27; Shear Inv.43283,
#ad 20 Ga. x 42quot; Used Pexto manual Circle Shear Mdl. 299 C A7460,
#ad Pexto 10 U 10 B Mechanical Power Squaring Shear 10#x27; x 10 Ga. #7369 #2,
#ad PEXTO 8 Ft. 10 Gauge Mechanical Shear with Back Gauge 550V 3Phase Made In USA,
#ad Pexto Model 299C Hand Ring amp; Circle Shear 20 Ga. x 42 1 2quot; #7430 #1,
#ad Peck Stow amp; Wilcox Pexto 36quot; 14ga Mechanical Sheet Metal Shear w Back Gauge,
#ad 4′ Pexto Metal Shear Peck Stow Wilcox Model 12 U 4H Capacity 12 Gauge,
#ad Pexto 10 U 10B 10? x 10 Gauge Mechanical Power Squaring Shear Mild Steel,
#ad Pexto Peck Stow amp; Wilcox Squaring Shears folder 1959,
#ad 52quot; X 10 GA PEXTO G352C MECHANICAL SHEAR. STOCK #0315522,
#ad Antique Pexto Samson Sheet Metal Shears made in the United States. 13 1.2” Long,
#ad Vintage Older Pexto Sheet Metal Shears Straight Blade 11.5 Inch,
#ad Vtg PEXTO Brochure Machine Tool 1959 Power Squaring Shears,
#ad Vintage Samson Pexto Metal Sheet Cutting Shears 13” Long No. 3 Cool Patina,
#ad 10Ga Cap. 120quot; W Pexto 10U 10A SHEAR Front Operated Powered Back Gauge,
#ad Vtg Pexto Shears Forged Steel 12quot; Long #99 USA Vintage. AD,
#ad 10#x27; X 1 4quot; PEXTO HYDRAULIC SHEAR: YODER #76321,
#ad USED Roper Whitney Pexto 16 Ga. Manual Foot Shear w 37quot;,
#ad Pexto Roper Whitney 37 inch Foot Shear,
#ad Pexto Roper Whitney 52quot; hydraulic sheet metal shear Freshly overhauled,
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